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MiXplorer Silver File Manager

Fully featured file manager, archiver and root explorer

MiXplorer Silver File Manager - Fully featured file manager, archiver and root explorer
بحجم9.82 MB
Google Play Rating★ 4.53 (3.53K)
يضرب اليوم0

ضد المعلومات

Pay attention to the type of processor specified (ARM7 or ARM8). If the specified processor differs from the processor of your device, the application may not install. In addition, the mod may not work at all on emulators!
Screenshot تحميل MiXplorer Silver File ManagerScreenshot تحميل MiXplorer Silver File ManagerScreenshot تحميل MiXplorer Silver File ManagerScreenshot تحميل MiXplorer Silver File ManagerScreenshot تحميل MiXplorer Silver File Manager
MiXplorer Silver is a comfortable and functional file managerfor Android devices.

Works as an archiver and root explorer
An excellent application for Android devices, which is a functional file manager with addons like archiver, smb2, tagger, metadata to support mixplorer development. MiXplorer Silver is able to decompress and pack 7z and Zip/Zip64 (with split encryption), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, WIM, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5, Zstandard. It can only unpack the following formats: AR, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, EXT, FAT, GPT, HFS, IHEX, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, QCOW2, RAR / RAR5 , RPM and others.

Many useful functions
This application is able to offer you such functions as copying and moving files, various modes viewing and sorting for each folder separately, customizable bookmarks, advanced search functions, HTML viewer, export and import of all settings, bookmarks, linking files to cloud storage. Also, the application will give you root access for all advanced operations, be able to encrypt and decrypt files using the aescript file format. In the application, you can view images of various formats, edit text documents, find a code editor, built-in FTP and HTTP server + tcp server for receiving files from other devices using Mix.

System requirements

Android OS
Open GL
مساحة فارغة
9.82 MB
Android TV
دعم لوحة الألعاب

تحديث التاريخ


ديناميات وجهات النظر

كيفية عمل التحديث MiXplorer Silver File Manager

  1. لتحديث التطبيق ، ثبّت الإصدار الجديد من التطبيق على (بدون حذف) الإصدار القديم.
  2. لن يكون هذا التحديث ممكنًا إلا إذا تم تنزيل الإصدار السابق من التطبيق منا. خلاف ذلك ، سيكون هناك تعارض في التوقيع وسترى الرسالة "التطبيق غير مثبت".
  3. لمعرفة ماهية "التوقيعات" وما الغرض منها ، اقرأ هنا.
اخر موعد30-Mar-2022
شعبية99% (
Package namecom.mixplorer.silver
Разработчикhootan parsa

تحميل MiXplorer Silver File Manager


apks files are installed using Split APKs Installer
xapk files are installed using XAPK Installer (if downloaded as zip or bin, rename to xapk)
apk files are installed using any file manager

Work in the background

Some applications may work in the background. This is necessary for the mod to work properly, connect to our server to bypass the license and check for updates periodically. If you do not need this, you can disable these functions when you first start the game.
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