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Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]

Hidden Object Puzzle with Detective Story

Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod] - Hidden Object Puzzle with Detective Story
بحجم798.84 MB
Google Play Rating★ 4.56 (6.63K)
يضرب اليوم0

ضد المعلومات

Coins are not spent (they can only be used to buy hints).

Pay attention to the type of processor specified (ARM7 or ARM8). If the specified processor differs from the processor of your device, the application may not install. In addition, the mod may not work at all on emulators!
Screenshot تحميل Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]Screenshot تحميل Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]Screenshot تحميل Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]Screenshot تحميل Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]Screenshot تحميل Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]

A dangerous villain and saving the world
Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p on Android is a classic hidden object puzzle, where you will find a fascinating detective story, according to the plot of which you have to stop a dangerous villain and save the world. A powerful artifact fell into the hands of the villain and with the help of it he causes various cataclysms and chaos that bring destruction, the criminal wants to destroy the world, which means you have to stop him. Here you will complete many different Hidden Objects levels that will help you pump up your attentiveness and accuracy, and each challenge you pass will help you unlock a new part of the storyline .

Exciting puzzles and mini-games
You can download a free Hidden Object Puzzle for Android and appreciate the detailed plot , detailed and beautifully designed scenes, entertaining puzzles and exciting mini-games. As you progress through the game, you can get a lot of top achievements, collectibles and unlock additional content. Here you will find story videos, a melodic soundtrack, a well-developed detective story, auxiliary clues and the opportunity to enjoy an exclusive zoo.

System requirements

Android OS
Open GL
مساحة فارغة
798.84 MB
Android TV
دعم لوحة الألعاب

تحديث التاريخ


ديناميات وجهات النظر

كيفية عمل التحديث Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]

  1. لتحديث التطبيق ، ثبّت الإصدار الجديد من التطبيق على (بدون حذف) الإصدار القديم.
  2. لن يكون هذا التحديث ممكنًا إلا إذا تم تنزيل الإصدار السابق من التطبيق منا. خلاف ذلك ، سيكون هناك تعارض في التوقيع وسترى الرسالة "التطبيق غير مثبت".
  3. لمعرفة ماهية "التوقيعات" وما الغرض منها ، اقرأ هنا.
اخر موعد20-Feb-2023
شعبية99% (
Package namecom.dominigames.cc9.free2play
Разработчикdo games limited

تحميل Labyrinths of the World 9 f2p [Money mod]

Файлы данного приложения устарели и являются неактуальными на текущий момент. Вы можете перейти в Google Play и скачать приложения с официальной страницы


apks files are installed using Split APKs Installer
xapk files are installed using XAPK Installer (if downloaded as zip or bin, rename to xapk)
apk files are installed using any file manager

Work in the background

Some applications may work in the background. This is necessary for the mod to work properly, connect to our server to bypass the license and check for updates periodically. If you do not need this, you can disable these functions when you first start the game.
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