The game no longer requires a paid Netflix subscription.
Dungeon Dwarves [Patched]
Single-player dungeon crawler RPG
ضد المعلومات
Incremental gameplay
Single-player role-playing game for Android devices in which you have to take control of dwarf heroes and go to explore the underworld, where you will encounter dangerous monsters and valuable treasures. As you progress through the game, you will be able to upgrade the skills and characteristics of the characters, get new weapons and improve them in order to be able to cope with the increasing complexity of the tests. In Dungeon Dwarves on Android, you'll blast your way through deep dungeons, and fight as a team with your like-minded people.
Deep Dungeon Exploration
You can download the free Android RPG and use the unique abilities of your dwarf heroes to crush all obstacles in your path, from stone walls to deadly bosses. You will never be able to predict what will be waiting for you on the way in the dungeons - it can be both dangerous enemies and valuable treasure chests. It is important to stay in a team with your fellow Dwarves, as cohesion will give you an edge over your enemies. You can also open special abilities for your wards, for example, deal damage to several enemies at once in locations with one hit.
System requirements
تحديث التاريخ
ديناميات وجهات النظر
كيفية عمل التحديث Dungeon Dwarves [Patched]
- لتحديث التطبيق ، ثبّت الإصدار الجديد من التطبيق على (بدون حذف) الإصدار القديم. li>
- لن يكون هذا التحديث ممكنًا إلا إذا تم تنزيل الإصدار السابق من التطبيق منا. خلاف ذلك ، سيكون هناك تعارض في التوقيع وسترى الرسالة "التطبيق غير مثبت". li>
- لمعرفة ماهية "التوقيعات" وما الغرض منها ، اقرأ هنا.