The game no longer requires a paid Netflix subscription.
Vikings: Valhalla [Patched]
Exciting multiplayer strategy based on the series of the same name
ضد المعلومات
Establishment of a Viking settlement
Vikings: Valhalla on Android is a multiplayer strategy game created by Netflix based on the popular series of the same name. Here you will lead a Viking clan, develop your settlement, build useful structures on the territory and create new warriors who will help you win victories. In Vikings: Valhalla you will be engaged in city planning, thanks to which you will be able to build an excellent line of defense, build your own fleet and defend the territory from enemy raids . To defeat your opponents, it is important to constantly replenish your collection with new fighters with powerful and unique characteristics.
Participation in automatic raids
You can download Vikings: Valhalla for free on Android and lead epic automatic raids, attacking enemy settlements, having previously assembled a squad of powerful and rare warriors who will independently go into enemy territory and destroy everything that they meet on their way and set fire to town halls. At any moment, other players will be able to raid your territories, so it is important to build a competent line of defense and build all the necessary fortifications. As soon as you improve your gaming level, you will be able to team up with other players, join an existing clan or create your own, jointly trade and exchange resources, fight battles and gain victories.
System requirements
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كيفية عمل التحديث Vikings: Valhalla [Patched]
- لتحديث التطبيق ، ثبّت الإصدار الجديد من التطبيق على (بدون حذف) الإصدار القديم. li>
- لن يكون هذا التحديث ممكنًا إلا إذا تم تنزيل الإصدار السابق من التطبيق منا. خلاف ذلك ، سيكون هناك تعارض في التوقيع وسترى الرسالة "التطبيق غير مثبت". li>
- لمعرفة ماهية "التوقيعات" وما الغرض منها ، اقرأ هنا.